Preparing Data for Large Language ModelsLarge Language Models ( aka Foundation models ) are pre-trained on large amount of data. Collecting, processing and preparing data for LLM…Oct 7, 2024Oct 7, 2024
Take control of memory in Python like C/C++If you’ve ever programmed in C or C++, your must have allocated and free memory blocks, and I am sure you also have experience memory leaks…Sep 4, 2024Sep 4, 2024
How to deliver short talks: Less is moreIn this post I am sharing my 7 key learnings on preparing and delivering a effective presentation. And how less is more.Nov 9, 2022Nov 9, 2022
How to start working on large code baseHere I am sharing my experience dealing with large code bases. Code is the legacy we take on and leave behind.Mar 15, 2022Mar 15, 2022
Demystifying Deployment labels in KubernetesIf you have played with the Kubernetes deployment enough times you must have wondered why there are 3 places to set the labels in…Feb 28, 2022Feb 28, 2022
SRE’s Inside your clusterHow using Kubernetes operator you can develop a k8s native application and bake SRE workflows inside your clusterNov 15, 2021Nov 15, 2021
Debugging Python Script in VSCodeLearn how to quickly start debugging your python code in VSCodeSep 30, 2021Sep 30, 2021
Making effective pull requestsHave your ever experienced a situation where you opened a pull request and it remained opened for long time?Sep 14, 2021Sep 14, 2021
Sample SwiftUI iOSApp to count BurpeesBurpees is one of the dynamic exercise targeting multiple body parts and its a fun exercise compare of other which I find boring.Aug 6, 2021Aug 6, 2021
Book Review — No Rules RulesNetflix is one of the many unique stories of new age disruption, interesting read of examining the reasons of why it is there where it is.Mar 26, 2021Mar 26, 2021